The Gut-Skin Connection

Did you know that the health of your skin is connected to the health of your gut?

You can put all the healthiest products (ahem…) on your skin & have the perfect routine, but if your gut is in poor condition you may find a limit in your skin’s ability to heal.

What really goes on in your gut.

The lining of your gut is known as the mucosal barrier. Problems in the lining can affect other areas of your body. Essentially, it’s like having skin on the inside of your body. Running from your mouth to your anus, it processes the external inputs (food, drink, non-food substances), and breaks them down into particles your body can use. Any toxins, pathogens, and non-useful particles are kept moving through until they’re eliminated.

In this post, we’re focusing on the small intestine, located between the stomach & the large intestine, and the workhorse for breaking down nutrients so they can be absorbed in your body.

There are two main lines of defense between the outside world and your body inside the gut:

  1. chemical barrier
  2. physical barrier.

The chemical barrier acts as an additional line of defense against the pathogens & toxins that pass through. The cells of the gut lining produce Secretory Immunoglobulin A (SIgA), which works as a chemical barrier along with the physical barrier of the enterocytes (see below). SIgA is an antibody that binds to toxins, pathogens, bacteria, and viruses as they move through the gut, neutralizing them & preventing them from ever coming into contact with the mucosal barrier. While several antibodies are produced, SIgA is the most abundant.

In a compromised gut, the amount of SIgA being produced is greatly reduced, thus allowing more toxins to come in direct contact with the walls of the gut, and for pathogens to take up residence or toxins to accumulate. Over time, the increased wear & tear break down the already compromised walls even further.

The physical barrier is known as the mucosal barrier and is lined by a single layer of cells called enterocytes that, in a healthy gut, are joined closely together (the connections are known as “tight junctions”). This keeps toxins, large food particles, etc., from getting through and into the rest of your body. However, 20 feet of small intestine is not enough to absorb all the nutrients your body needs, so it increases its surface area with tiny, finger-like projections called villi. As food is broken down into usable particles by digestive enzymes, they are absorbed through the villi and into circulation, nourishing your body.

One of the ways that the mucosal barrier becomes compromised is through flattening your villi. This reduces the amount of nutrients that your body absorbs, resulting in malnutrition. More importantly for our purposes, the tight junctions between cells loosen up in a compromised gut, allowing antibodies, toxins, pathogens, large food particles, etc. into the body. This provokes an immune response as your system leaps to respond to the unwelcome invaders.

What the gut has to do with your skin.

The immune response affects your body in many ways. Increased food sensitivities, a depressed immune system, chronic inflammation, and even the development of an auto-immune disorder are all the result of leaky gut, a term for a compromised mucosal barrier. Recent research also includes acne, eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis on that list. Escaped toxins can build up in the skin and in pores, causing skin irritations.

When the gut is compromised, it begins spreading to other systems, affecting the body’s hormone balance. This can lead to an overproduction of natural skin oil (sebum) & increased acne as well. Eczema & psoriasis are both immune responses when your body can’t eliminate all the toxins circulating through it.

Some signs that you may have issues in your gut are acne, eczema, psoriasis or other skin irritations, belching, heartburn, gas, stomach irritation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), pale floating stools, and brain fog.

If you are dealing with skin issues, we have RELIEF for that. But, if the above symptoms seem way too close to home, see your doctor and try some of our suggestions to make changes today.

What to do about it

[hint: you could start today]

Since we love helping you get the skin you’ve always wanted, here are some ways to make those changes. Because everything in your body is connected (the thigh bone’s connected to the…), below are a list of ways to detox and support your whole body which will in turn support your skin. Woohoo.

sleep hygiene

Try to get the same 7-8 hours of sleep every night, turn off all electronics an hour before bed to eliminate blue light, and eat a protein/fat balanced snack before bed if you tend to wake in the middle of the night


This takes so many forms! Try dry brushing for your whole body, and for your face a wash cloth after cleansing & before hydrating or a natural scrub (sugar, salt, or nut shell) a couple times a week to slough off dead skin cells & keep your skin bright & vibrant.

oil pulling

Want to combine a little detoxing with some tooth whitening? Swish a tablespoon of coconut oil around in your mouth for a couple minutes every morning to pull toxins from your body (helps reduce bad breath & tooth decay) & brighten your smile.

tongue scraper

Bad breath? Cavities? Have a hard time tasting or digesting food? Use a tongue scraper or the side of a spoon during your morning & evening tooth routine to take the top layer of bacteria & slime off. It’s more effective at removing bacteria than brushing your tongue, and helps your gut, too.

dry brushing

Use a body brush & light, upward strokes before showering for this whole-body treatment. With glowing skin, stimulated circulation, and improved lymph flow, what more could you ask? The energy boost many report makes it even better.

routines (morning & evening)

Doing the same thing every morning & evening sets your day up for success & helps you prevent decision fatigue so the important things get your brain power, not your breakfast choices.

regular movement

Did you know not exercising is just as bad for you as smoking? You don’t have to devote an hour at the gym every day though: try a 10 minute walk or 7 minute workout and reap the same benefits.


Drink your water! So many of your body’s systems are dependent on water, and keeping young, plump skin only happens when your body is sufficiently hydrated. Eat your water, too. Fresh, juicy fruits & vegetables hydrate your body, too.

start simple

Sustainable change happens in small steps. Want to make radical change? Start small & stay consistent. Focus on adding good things and not on taking away the bad so you feel nourished, not deprived.

add fiber

Staying regular isn’t a joke. Fiber supports healthy bacteria in your gut & keeps everything moving through your colon quickly. One of the main ways your body eliminates toxins is through the stool, but the longer it sits in your colon, the more toxins are reabsorbed into your body. Fiber just keeps it all movin’ on through!

effect of hormone balance on gut & skin 

Staying regular isn’t a joke. Fiber supports healthy bacteria in your gut & keeps everything moving through your colon quickly. One of the main ways your body eliminates toxins is through the stool, but the longer it sits in your colon, the more toxins are reabsorbed into your body. Fiber just keeps it all movin’ on through!

effects of blue light on sleep

Having trouble falling asleep? Mind racing? Your devices could be at fault. Blue light suppresses melatonin production, which helps relax your brain so you can fall asleep. Turn your devices off (including the TV!) an hour before bed to help your body wind down for the night.

Feeling lost?

No worries. Over the next few weeks we'll go into greater detail on our blog, so follow along.

If you are dealing with skin issues, we have products for that. But, if the above symptoms seem way too close to home, see your doctor and try some of our suggestions to start making changes today. Making one little change today can help change tomorrow.

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