A new kind of New Year's resolution
Here we are at the beginning of 2022 (ish) ! It's a big year. Big things are coming.
As we start a new year, there is such a pull for you to set new goals, to change much of how you do life. Yet by February or March most of us feel like we’ve failed and our life is back to what it was before.
What if we started this year different?
What if you put aside your weight loss goals, your organization goals, your wanting to eat healthier goals, your workout-5-times-per-week goals?
I know. That sounds very controversial in January.
But have any of your resolutions benefited you in the past? Have they brought about the fruit you desired?
I’m not trying to be a discouragement, on the contrary.
This year, this January I propose we do things different.
Here are the lyrics to a song that will help explain.
I know the tension of the now.
I don't always understand.
I don't always get to see everything.
When I'm holding up my hands. When I'm counting every breath Lord, all I need to know is You choose me. You choose me.
I'll praise before my breakthrough 'til my song becomes my triumph.
I will sing because I trust You. I will bring my heart, I will lift my song.
When I'm listening for Your voice and I'm shutting out the noise, I know that You will speak clearly
When I'm living out my faith, when I'm stepping on the sea, I know You take my hand and walk with me. Walk with me
[Insert my comments] Those words, stepping on the sea, they are the times when you venture into areas you can’t see the end result of. When you know you were called for something more and you just ask Him to show you. There’s nothing more to do but ask Him to show you the way. You DO NOT have to have it all together or know where you are going. Actually, that is where God does his best work. Let HIM lead where he wants to take YOU.
I'll praise before my breakthrough 'Til my song becomes my triumph I will sing because I trust You I will bring my heart, I will lift my song
He who came in power, He will come again. He who heals the sick, won't He move again He who raised the dead, won't He raise again And I will sing, I will sing
He who came in power, He will come again He who heals the sick, won't He move again He who raised the dead, won't He raise again.
I will sing. I will sing. Oh I will sing. I will sing
I'll praise before my breakthrough 'Til my song becomes my triumph I will sing because I trust You. I will bring my heart, I will lift my song.
And I will sing because I trust You. And I'll worship because I trust. I sing because I love You. And I'll bring my heart, I will lift my song.
Praise Before my Breakthrough by Brian and Katie Torwalt
What if THAT was what you brought this January?
What if that WAS your new years resolution, to praise Him before your breakthrough?
What if you committed to praising him that he was making beauty from ashes in your life?
What if you showed up daily to thank him that he loves you, that he is working things out in your life, that he is repairing your heart which will help repair your marriage, that he is changing the way you parent your kids, that he is changing how you view yourself?
What if?
I remember a time when I was so sick I couldn’t get out of bed. The years of exhausting daily life, the decade of busyness, the striving to be and do it all became too much. My body shut down.
Sure. I had wanted to slow down. For years I longed for it. Begged God to slow me down. But I didn’t know how to stop it. So many things vied for my attention and time, even good things.
But I was too busy to ask or listen to what needed to be removed in my life.
At the time, I didn’t have enough self love to fight for myself, to know that I was valuable enough to say no to things that weren’t meant for me to do.
I didn’t know I didn’t have to do it all.
I didn’t know I didn’t have to be everything for everyone.
Did you know you DO NOT have to be everything for everyone?
My body couldn’t handle the stress anymore.
As I laid in bed, too sick to binge watch Netflix, I remember thinking that something was happening in the background, like the set of a play being created and built behind the curtain. I couldn’t see what was happening. I didn’t know what was being done but I did know I was being fashioned behind the curtain.There were no lightening bolts or any visions of heavenly hosts. There were only whispered “thank yous,” full of, sometime weak faith that I was being changed.
Yes, I read scripture, at times it was my lifeline. Yes, I prayed but they were simple prayers. I had nothing left for more. And yet, He did a work that was not of my own making. It was infinitely better.
I’m convinced that our Father sees what is done in secret, knows our deepest longings, and is thrilled to give us the desires of our heart.
Praise Him before your breakthrough. ‘Til your song, the words you declare about what he is doing behind the scenes in your life becomes your triumph, your reality.
What will you do this month? Will you dare to ask him to make your song and your prayers your triumph or will you keep to the resolutions that haven't brought the change you desired?
Although I'm not exactly sure what it will look like fully, something is coming. I've been in a season of writing and I can't wait to share all he has for you.
God is ready and excited to usher you along in this next season.
Stay tuned for what is next.
Note: You can find the song Praise Before my Breakthrough here.
Here is the video version of this post.
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